In this post, you’ll learn how to set up your services within BookOm’s dashboard.
You've Just Got Your BookOm. Congrats! You Should Be Excited Because By The Time You Get To The End Of This Post You'll Have Added All The Services That Your Business Provides

The 3 Steps To Add A Service To Your BookOm
With BookOm, you can add all the services that you provide, so that that your all-important cashflow keeps flowing in.
A service category can have multiple subcategories. For example, your “beginner’s yoga class” category could have these as subcategories: gentle yoga class, Hatha yoga class, seniors yoga class, and yin yoga class.
Below are the steps to add new services within your BookOm dashboard.
Step 1: Click Services
Click “Services” (see screenshot below) on the lefthand side of the dashboard.
Step 2: Add Categories
To add a category, click the “+” icon to the right of the Category name (see screenshot below). Enter the name of the category (e.g. Beginner’s Yoga Classes) and click the “Save” icon. Repeat this process for all the categories that you have. There is no limit to the number of you can add.
I’m a Yoga teacher.
Below are the categories that I used when setting up my services within BookOm.
My Yoga teaching business offers four services (beginner’s yoga, advanced yoga, private yoga sessions, and yoga retreats). Those four services are the “main categories”.
In the table below you’ll see the four “main categories” that I set up for my yoga business in orange. Underneath the main category are the “services” I set up for them.
Beginners Yoga Class | Advanced Yoga Classes | Private Yoga Sessions | Yoga Retreats |
Gentle Yoga Class | Vinyasa Flow Class | Private 1-to-1 Yoga Session | Algarve Yoga Retreat |
Hatha Yoga Class | Greek Island Yoga Retreat | ||
Seniors Yoga Class | West Wales Yoga Retreat | ||
Optional Step: Add Subcategories
Most small businesses won’t need to add subcategories.
To add the subcategory of Category 1, click on the “+” icon (see screenshot below). Now enter the name of the subcategory. An example of when a subcategory would be useful is if you hosted Yoga Retreats worldwide. Your main category could be called “Yoga Retreats”, and you could have a sub category for each geolocation (e.g. UK Yoga Retreats, Europe Yoga Retreats, North America Yoga Retreats).
Step 3: Add A Service
To add a service to a “category” or “subcategory”, click on the + icon and select “Service” from the popup (see screenshot below).
When you click “Service”, a new modal will open (see screenshot below).
There are four tabs within the Services section.
You can find out more about each of the four service tabs, by clicking the four tabs below…
Fill in the information within the Service Details tab.
The Service Details tab has 8 sections:
- Service Image
- Service Name
- Category
- Price
- Duration
- Buffer Time Before (optional)
- Butter Time After (optional)
- Recurring (optional)
Service Image: Click the image icon to add an image for the service. If you need some royalty-free yoga and pilates images, read my 1001 royalty-free yoga and pilates images post. The image will be viewable from the Front-end of your booking form.
Service Name: Put the name of your service.
Category: No need to do any changes here. Keep as default.
Price: Put the price of the service. Don’t add a currency symbol (e.g. 35.00).
Duration: Put the duration. The time options here appear in accordance with the time slot length which you designate in your General Settings. By default, the time slot length increases by 10-minute intervals.
Buffer Time Before: If you need some additional time before starting the service, add this here.
Buffer Time After: If you need some additional time after finishing the service, add this here.
Recurring: If you want to add recurring services, activate this option.
What is a Recurring service? This is perfect if you have a 10-week yoga course (where students come to one class a week for 10 weeks), and want to charge the student weekly for 10 weeks.
After ticking the “Recurring” box, a form will appear for you to add information (see screenshot below).
Repeat: Select repeat type of service here. There are three options.
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
1. Monthly Recurring Service: Setting up a monthly recurring service is the most common option (it’s rare you’ll need to set up weekly or daily recurring services). If your service is repeated on certain days of the month, then you can choose the Monthly option. For example, if it’s repeated 1st, 8th, 15th, and 23rd of every month.
If you’re a Yoga or Pilates teacher, probably the best option is to select by day (e.g. every Thursday if your class is on a Thursday).
2. Weekly Recurring Services: If your service will be repeated for certain days of the week, select this option. For example, it can be repeated on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th of every week.
3. Daily Recurring services: If your service is repeated more than once a week, select the daily option. For example, if you have a Hatha Yoga class on a Tuesday and Thursday morning, you could choose this option.
If the dates the customer selects aren’t available in the timesheet, the system will not accept those days.
Fixed full period: You can limit the full period of repeated service (e.g. if you have a 10-week yoga course, you can limit the period to 10 weeks).
Fixed Frequency: You can set the frequency of repetition.
Payment: You will appoint how your recurring services will be paid when your customer books.
There are two options:
- Customers only pay for the first appointment (e.g. first class).
- Customers pay for all appointments in the series (e.g. pay for all 10 classes in your 10-week yoga course).
Capacity: You can determine whether your customers will subscribe to this service either individually or in a group. If they have to be written individually, select “Alone”. Otherwise, you can select the “Group” option and appoint a minimum and a maximum number of customers.
Note: You can enter a brief description of the service. This information will be seen by the customer in the Front-End booking.
In the “Staff” tab, you can add staff who work in this service. Click on the + icon next to “Add Employee” (see screenshot below), and select the staff member. If you want the service to be a specific price for the staff member, activate the “Specific Price” checkbox, and enter the price.
Time Sheet (Weekly Schedule)
In the “Time Sheet” tab, you can set up a special timesheet for your service (see screenshot below). By default, the timesheet you set in “Settings > Business Hours” will appear here. If you need specific timesheets for this service, tick the “Configure Specific Timesheet” checkbox.
Time Sheet (Special Days)
Within the “Time Sheet” tab, there is a “Special Days” submenu (see screenshot below). If the timesheet of your service will be different for any special days, you can exclude it from this submenu. Click on the “Add Special Day” button and select the day and times.
In the “Extras” tab, you can add extra items for your service. For example, if your studio has a health bar, you could add a fruit smoothie as an extra.
Select an image for the Extra Service, and enter the name and price.
There may be some extras that can be set on duration. In this case, you can add a duration time. Keep the duration empty if there is no duration time.
You can choose a maximum of how many the customer can book (e.g. two fruit smoothies).
After completing the content within all four tabs, click on the ADD SERVICE button to add the service.
After completing the content within all four tabs, click on the ADD SERVICE button (located on the bottom right of each of the four tabs) to add the service.
Let out a little whoop of joy, because you’re now ready to put the booking form on your website (or share the booking form link in emails, Facebook, etc).
You can think of BookOm as a full-time employee of yours who has taken over most of your admin work. The moment you add the booking form to your website, BookOm goes to work 24/7 booking people onto your services.
But It doesn’t stop there!
BookOm is obsessed with growing your business.
When someone books onto a service (e.g. your Tuesday morning online Hatha yoga class), BookOm automatically sends them the details of the class, sends a reminder, and deposits the money directly into your Stripe account. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without BookOm by your side.