In this post, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily view, edit and add new appointments in BookOm.

By The Time You Get To The End Of This Post You'll Know How To Quickly And Easily View, Edit And Add New Appointments In BookOm

Appointments BookOm

Within the “Appointments” section of BookOm, you will be able to view, edit and add new appointments. You will also be able to view, edit and add new appointments for your staff if you have BookOm Studio.

Step 1: Click Appointments

Appointments BookOm

Click “Appointments” on the left side of the BookOm dashboard.

New Appointments 

You can create a new Appointment by clicking the purple “+ New Appointment” button on the top right of the Appointments Dashboard. 

Edit Appointments 

You can edit or delete an appointment by clicking on “Three Dots Icon” at the end of each appointment.

Delete Appointments

You can also select and delete appointments in bulk (see screenshot below). 

Appointments BookOm

Step 2: Get To Know The Appointments Interface

Appointments Interface BookOm

Using convenient search and filters, you can find an appointment quickly and easily. You can order the columns with ASCENDING and DESCENDING markup. 

Appointments Interface Columns

Date Column

The date column shows the dates of the appointments. 

Customer(s) Column

The customer column shows all the customers booked in for the appointments. 

To the right of the customer’s name will be one of three icons: 

Green Trick Icon: A green tick icon means that the appointment has been approved. 

Orange Clock Icon: An orange clock icon means that the appointment approval is pending.

Red X Icon: A red X icon means that the appointment has been canceled. 

Employee Column

The employee column shows the employee who is assigned to the appointment. If you are the only employee, that will be you. 

Service Column

The service column shows the service name for the appointment (e.g. Hatha yoga class).

Payment Column

The payment column shows the payment amount. You can click on the payment amount to be taken to the “payment panel” where you can edit the payment information and change the status of the payment to “pending”, “paid”, or “paid (deposit)”.  

Duration Column

The duration column shows the duration of the appointments. 

Step 3: Create A New Appointment 

Appointments Interface BookOm

You can create a new Appointment by clicking the purple “+ New Appointment” button on the top right of the Appointments Dashboard. 

In the pop-up window, there are two tabs. 

Tab 1: Appointment Details 
Tab 2: Extras

Appointments BookOmWithin the “Appointment Details” tab (see screenshot above), you fill out the following sections:

  1. Location
  2. Category 
  3. Service
  4. Staff 
  5. Customers
  6. Date & time 
Date & Time

After selecting the location, category, service, and staff member, the panel for adding the date/time will appear (see screenshot below). 

Date and time options are available according to the timesheet, holidays, and special days (that can be set within “Services” or “Staff”). For example, if you have set Sunday as a holiday, there will be no empty time slot option for Sundays. 

Appointments BookOm

Add Customers

Appointments BookOm

After adding the date and time, click the + icon next to “Add Customer” (see screenshot above). You can manually add customers here, or if the customer is making the booking from your online booking form, they will appear here automatically. 

You can record the status of the Customer (see two screenshots below). When clicking “pending” you’ll be given four options: approved, pending, canceled, and rejected). 

Appointments BookOm

Appointments BookOm

If the customer is coming with one or more friends/family, you can add that number in the people dropdown (see screenshot above). If you have a maximum capacity, these people will be included within the capacity limit (if the maximum capacity is already reached, you won’t be able to change the number from “one”). 

Send Notifications

Appointments BookOm

If you do not tick the “Send notifications” checkbox (see screenshot above), then notifications will not be sent to the customer even if you have notifications enabled within the “Notifications” section of the dashboard. If you want to send notifications that you have set up within “Notifications”, tick the “send notifications” checkbox. 

Monthly Recurring Appointments

Appointments BookOm

If the service you choose is a monthly recurring service, you have 6 options to choose from.

Six Options
  1. Specific day
  2. First
  3. Second
  4. Third
  5. Fourth
  6. Last
Specific Day 

If you select the “specific day” option, you can specify the specific days you want from 1 to 31. For example, if you want to repeat this appointment on the 5th, 10th,  and 15th of each month, you will select options 5, 10, and 15. 

Within the “Time” section, select the start time of the appointment.

Within the “Start date” section, select the start date.

Within the “End date” section, select the end date.

Within the “Times” section, select how many times your appointment will run.  You can control the “End Date” with your “Times” input. For example, if you type 10 into the “Times” section, the system will automatically input the End date. 

First, Second, Third, Fourth, And Last 

If you select one of the “First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last” options you will be able to choose any day of the week. For example, you can choose the First Monday of the month. This means that the appointment will be repeated on the first Monday of each month. 

If the Fixed full period is set at the time the service is added, you cannot set the End date. When you select the start date, the end date will be automatically calculated according to the service settings.

Weekly Recurring Appointments

Appointments BookOm

If your service is a “weekly recurring appointment” (see screenshot above),  you can choose the days of the week. After choosing the days of the week, set the start times, start date, and end date. 

Daily Recurring Appointments

Appointments BookOm

If your service is a “daily recurring appointment” (see screenshot above), you need to determine how many days your appointment will be repeated. If you choose every 1 day, the appointment will be repeated daily. If you choose every 2 days, it will repeat every 2 days.

Appointments BookOm

If you have extras related to the Service and you want to select it, you can do so from the Extras tab (see screenshot above). 

It's time to 

Let out a little whoop of joy, because you’re a step closer to putting the booking form on your website (or share the booking form link in emails, Facebook, etc).

You can think of BookOm as a full-time member of your staff who has taken over most of your admin work. The moment you add the booking form to your website, BookOm goes to work 24/7 booking people onto your services.

But It doesn’t stop there! 

BookOm is obsessed with growing your business.

When someone books onto a service (e.g. your Tuesday morning online Hatha yoga class), BookOm automatically sends them the details of the class, sends a reminder, and deposits the money directly into your Stripe account. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without BookOm by your side.

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