In this post, you’ll learn how to send automated notifications to customers and staff within BookOm’s dashboard.
By The Time You Get To The End Of This Post You'll Know How To Send Automated Notifications Via Email, SMS or WhatsApp To Your Customers & Staff Within BookOm
Email Notifications: How to send automated email notifications to customers and staff Within BookOm
Within the “Notifications” section of BookOm, you will able to send email notifications about any actions to your customers and staff. You can set the subject title and content of these email notifications.
Email Notifications
Step 1: Click Notifications
Click “Notifications” on the left side of the BookOm dashboard.
Email Notifications
Step 2: Select Email Notifications, Write Emails Using Short Tags And Activate Them
9 Notification Options
On the left side, you’ll be able to choose from these nine appointment notifications:
1. New Appointment
An email will be sent to the customer when they make a new appointment. There are 17 “appointment info” short tags that you can copy and paste into the email (see example email notification below)
Hi {customer_first_name}, your have been enrolled in the {service_name} which is on {appointment_date_time}.
2. Appointment rescheduled
If you change the appointment within the “appointments” section (e.g. if the customer calls you to reschedule the day/time), the message will be automatically sent to the customer (see example email notification below).
Hi {customer_first_name}, your new appointment date and time for {service_name} is on {appointment_date_time}.
3. Appointment approved
An email will be sent to the customer approving (confirming) the appointment.
4. Appointment pending
An email will be sent to the customer letting them know that the appointment is pending.
5. Appointment rejected
An email will be sent to the customer letting them know that the appointment has been rejected.
6. Appointment canceled
An email will be sent to the customer letting them know that the appointment has been canceled.
7. Reminder before appointment
An email will be sent to the customer reminding them of the appointment.
8. Reminder after appointment
An email will be sent to the customer after the appointment (e.g. thanking them for the
9. Access to Customer Panel
An email will be sent to the customer with a link to their customer panel if you add the short tag {customer_panel_password} to the email.
Short Tags
Appointment Info Short Tags
- {appointment_id}
- {appointment_date}
- {appointment_date_time}
- {appointment_start_time}
- {appointment_end_time}
- {appointment_duration}
- {appointment_buffer_before}
- {appointment_buffer_after}
- {appointment_status}
- {appointment_service_price}
- {appointment_extras_price}
- {appointment_extras_list}
- {appointment_discount_price}
- {appointment_sum_price}
- {appointment_paid_price}
- {appointment_payment_method}
- {appointment_custom_field_ID}
Service Info Short Tags:
- {service_name}
- {service_price}
- {service_duration}
- {service_notes}
- {service_color}
- {service_image_url}
- {service_category_name}
Customer Info Tags
- {customer_full_name}
- {customer_first_name}
- {customer_last_name}
- {customer_phone}
- {customer_email}
- {customer_birthday}
- {customer_notes}
- {customer_profile_image_url}
- {customer_panel_url}
- {customer_panel_password}
Staff Info Short Tags
- {staff_name}
- {staff_email}
- {staff_phone}
- {staff_about}
- {staff_profile_image_url}
Location Info Short Tags
- {location_name}
- {location_address}
- {location_image_url}
- {location_phone_number}
- {location_notes}
Company Info Short Tags
- {company_name}
- {company_image_url}
- {company_website}
- {company_phone}
- {company_address}
Zoom Info Short Tags
- {zoom_meeting_url}
- {zoom_meeting_password}
Customer & Staff Options
On the top left you’ll see “To Customer” and “To Staff” menu. Click on “To Customer” to open all nine of the appointment notification options for customers. Click on “To Staff” to open all nine of the appointment notification options for your staff.
Activating An Appointment Notification
To activate an email notification, toggle the switch to the right (turns the toggle purple). If you later decide you no longer want that email notification, move the toggle to the left (return the toggle to grey).
Note: If you deactivate the notification, all the text within the email will be deleted, so if you want to save that text for the future, copy and paste it somewhere safe.
Send Test Email
If you would like to test the subject and body of the email notification, you can send a test email by clicking the “Send Test Email” button on the top right.
SMS & WhatsApp Notifications: How to send automated SMS & WhatsApp notifications to customers and staff Within BookOm
Within the “Notifications” section of BookOm, you will also able to send SMS and WhatsApp notifications to your customers and staff (see screenshots below).
Let out a little whoop of joy, because you’re a step closer to putting the booking form on your website (or share the booking form link in emails, Facebook, etc).
You can think of BookOm as a full-time member of your staff who has taken over most of your admin work. The moment you add the booking form to your website, BookOm goes to work 24/7 booking people onto your services.
But It doesn’t stop there!
BookOm is obsessed with growing your business.
When someone books onto a service (e.g. your Tuesday morning online Hatha yoga class), BookOm automatically sends them the details of the class, sends a reminder, and deposits the money directly into your Stripe account. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without BookOm by your side.