In this post, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily change the design for the front-end booking panel in BookOm.

By The Time You Get To The End Of This Post You'll Know How To Quickly And Easily Change The Design For The Front-end Booking Panel In BookOm

Design Your Front-end Booking Panel In BookOm

Within the “Appearance” section of BookOm, you will be able to redesign the front-end booking panel to suit your business colors in any way you like.

Step 1: Click Appearance & Choose A Style

Design Your Front-end Booking Panel In BookOm

Click “Appearance” on the left side of the BookOm dashboard.

There are 7 styles available:

  1. Default
  2. Brown
  3. Red
  4. Green
  5. Blue
  6. Purple
  7. Pink

If you don’t want the default style, you can choose one of the other 6 styles, or create a new front-end panel template.

To choose a new style all you need to do is click the “Choose” button under the panel template. 

Optional Step: Create Your Own Style

Create New Style

Click the “Create new style” box to add a new Style.

Appearance Create New Style

Style Name: Give a name to the style you want to create. You can name it anything you want. 

Panel Height: If you want to change the panel height from the default 600 pixels, you can do it here.

Font Fa: Change the font style here.

Panel Background: Change the panel background here.

Primary BG / text color: Change the “next step” button color and text color here.

Completed Steps BG / label color:  If you want to change the text color of the “completed steps” (location, staff, service, etc), do it here. 

Active steps BG / label color: If you want to change the background color of the active step number, do it here. 

Other steps BG / label color: If you want to change the text color of the “other steps” (staff, service, service extras, etc), do it here. 

Once you save your changes, the new style template will be available with the other 7 styles. 

To delete a style, locate the style in the list and click on it. In the Edit pane, find the style you want to delete. If the style you want to delete is the style currently selected, you cannot delete it. Change the style you selected first, then try deleting it. 

It's time to 

Let out a little whoop of joy, because you’re a step closer to putting the booking form on your website (or share the booking form link in emails, Facebook, etc).

You can think of BookOm as a full-time member of your staff who has taken over most of your admin work. The moment you add the booking form to your website, BookOm goes to work 24/7 booking people onto your services.

But It doesn’t stop there! 

BookOm is obsessed with growing your business.

When someone books onto a service (e.g. your Tuesday morning online Hatha yoga class), BookOm automatically sends them the details of the class, sends a reminder, and deposits the money directly into your Stripe account. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without BookOm by your side.

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